About Authentication

When an Aadhaar Card application is submitted, supporting documents like driving license, PAN card, Passport or Voter’s ID that needs to be given. Further the authentication of these documents is necessary but the entire process takes time as each and every document is to be validated. UIDAI is able to complete the demographic authentication online and therefore, helps in reducing the offline verifications.

Aadhaar Authentication is a process where an individual’s Aadhaar number is submitted to the UIDAI’s Central Identities Data Repository (CIDR) along with demographic data such as name, date of birth, gender, etc. or biometric data- such as fingerprint or iris for verification. Further UIDAI uses the data which is available to verify the accuracy of the submitted information and matches the data available in CIDR and responds with a Yes or No. Also, no personal identity information is returned as a part of the response.

Several public and private organizations use the Aadhaar Card to provide citizens with advantages and services. They require a quick and easy process to complete their tasks because they rely on the Aadhaar Card's authenticity to process these advantages. Validating every document that is presented is a laborious process that might not yield results that can be trusted. As a result, UIDAI created the extremely dependable Aadhaar Authentication procedure. Following an individual's demographic and biometric verification, data is gathered and kept on a centralized platform approved by UIDAI.

Types of Aadhaar Authentication
Type 1 Authentication

Through this offering, service delivery agencies can use Aadhaar Authentication system for matching Aadhaar number and the demographic attributes (Name, address, date of birth, etc. ) of a resident.

Type 2 Authentication

Allows service delivery agencies to authenticate residents through One-Time-Password (OTP) delivered to resident’s mobile number and/or email address present in CIDR.

Type 3 Authentication

Service delivery agencies can authenticate residents using one of the biometric modalities, either Iris or fingerprint.

Type 4 Authentication

This is a 2-factor authentication offering with OTP as one factor and biometrics (either iris or fingerprint) as the second factor for authenticating residents.

Type 5 Authentication

This offering allows service delivery agencies to use OTP, fingerprint & iris together for authenticating residents.

The Aadhaar number will be submitted in all forms of authentication so that this operation is reduced to a 1:1 match. Service delivery agencies should select the appropriate authentication type based on their business requirements. They would need to balance out the resident convenience and service delivery risk before finalizing the authentication offering.

  • Aadhaar Holders: Residents who have obtained their Aadhaar number. For example, the authentication device at a fair price shop may also be used for carrying out financial transactions for banks.
  • Authentication Devices: Point of initiation of Aadhaar authentication transaction e.g., PCs, kiosks, handheld devices etc.
  • Authentication User Agency (AUA): Agency that uses Aadhaar authentication to enable its services
  • Authentication Service Agency (ASA): Agency that has secured leased line connectivity with CIDR
  • Unique Identification Authority of India: Offers online authentication
  • Sub Auth. User Agency (Sub AUA): Agencies that access Aadhaar authentication through an existing AUA.